Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's been a while since I've posted so here's a few new pics of my progress:

Here I've made a few holes for mounting a button and a recessed hole for a joystick. These are just sample holes in a piece of scrap wood. I'm particularly proud of the recessed hole since I routed it freehand (it's on the underside of the control panel so the uneven edges won't show. I still need to do a test hole for the trackball and spinner. When I get done with this I'll post a pic with the actual controls mounted on the board.

This is a pic of the control panel box (without the top panel). The ugly hole in the back is for cabling; it won't show once the top is attached.

And here's a pic of the control panel with the top, sitting on top of the arcade structure. This shows the proper height and position of the control panel. Now just imagine two 7' tall sides, a front panel with coin door and a monitor above the control panel, and you should have a pretty good idea what the finished product will look like.

Next up: Finish the control sample mountings and draw out the final control layout on the top panel.

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